to healing your emptiness and inner pain


A powerful coaching program for the woman who FEELS there is something missing, and wants to find and heal the root cause of it.


to healing your emptiness and inner pain

A powerful coaching program for the woman who FEELS there is something missing, and wants to find and heal the root cause of it.

Hi, I’m Dr. Margit Gabriele Muller, your ICF certified Professional Mental Health Coach.Through custom, deep transformative methods, I help women heal the deeply buried pain and burdens. So you can live a happier, healthier, fuller, and more purposeful life. 

My own healing journey has been a roller coaster: From childhood trauma caused by severe parental mental illness, to falcon veterinarian, to finally Master Life Coach, NLP Master, and Hypnotherapist. But my journey enabled me to understand, access and process traumatic experiences … and be able to help others do the same.  

Are you feeling like… 

  • You’re empty and don't know why … but wish you did?
  • You have a deeply buried pain you can’t quite put your finger on … but you wish you could recognize and heal it? 
  • You have unresolved issues in your life … and you wish you knew how to resolve them? 
  • Your problem has an origin you can’t figure out … but you’re ready to get to the root of it?
  • You feel suffocated by an unexplainable heaviness or emotional baggage but you don't know why… and you wish you could breathe again?
  • You’re not at peace with yourself and don't know why … but are ready to find your  inner peace?  

Do you dream of… 

  • Reconnecting with yourself and your buried feelings on a deeper level, so you can finally feel alive? 
  • Recognizing what hurt you in your childhood and releasing it, so you don’t feel this inner pain anymore? 
  • Understanding and healing your feelings of being abandoned, so you finally feel worthy and loved? 
  • Connecting with your gut feeling again when you feel empty inside? 
  • Finding your power from within yourself to become a stronger and more resilient person?
  • Learning the tools you need to process trauma, so that you become resilient and prepared for any new situation? 
  • Letting go of negative things, emotions, and experiences that don’t serve you?
  • Overcoming your fears - because you’ve found the cause…and healed it? 
  • Feeling empowered and in control of your own healing to live a healthier and happier life?
  • Creating the best version of yourself? 

What’s really holding you back

In my experience, the main cause holding you back is a deep-rooted inner pain that might go back to your childhood (or even earlier). 

Here’s why that “root cause” has created such a huge impact on your life: 

When you're a child, negative or traumatic experiences can lead to painful emotions. But you can’t process those traumatic experiences fully - because you're simply too young! 

Until that pain is resolved, it continues blocking you from moving forward, connecting with yourself, and living your life to the fullest.

But sometimes raw emotions and biggest pains can originate even earlier than childhood. Your “root cause” can come from the womb too, through feelings such as not being loved by your mother or father.

Other times, the issues stem from even earlier experiences, or might even lie in the generational DNA from your ancestors.

These painful emotions stop you from “feeling whole” - and thus being in harmony with your body, feelings, mind, soul, and life purpose - without pain.

Finding the root cause of your pain - and healing it.

This is why it’s so crucial to identify the main issue of your pain or problem - the root cause.  

And that’s where I come in. 

First, I’ll help you connect with your subconscious mind - no matter how deep we have to go - so we find out what the root cause of your inner pain is. 

Then, we heal it by answering your burning questions. 


Do you wonder:

  • Why do I feel like there’s a missing part of me?
  • Where is this deep pain that I am not even aware of?
  • Why do I have this unexplainable fear?
  • Where did I get stuck?
  • What’s making me vulnerable?
  • What’s protecting me from being hurt again?
  • Why am I reacting in a certain way?
  • Why do I have problems trusting other people, including my loved ones?
  • Why do I feel like I have to please others…even though I don’t really want to?
  • Why do I feel unworthy and undeserving of being loved?
  • Why can’t I love myself?
  • Why can’t I love others unreservedly?

Just imagine how much your life would change if you had the answer to these questions. 

Because once you do, you can finally start healing them. 

I went through this process myself and have helped many others find their own answers too. 

I’d love to help you too. By helping you find the answers and healing each layer - one by one - together.

Through an immersive combination of in-depth and refined coaching methods (which I elaborate on below), we’ll be able to narrow your issues down to their core - their root cause. Then we’ll address them together, thoroughly and step-by-step.

Until we find your innermost part, your Higher Self - so, you can finally begin healing from the inside out. 

What would your life be like if you felt wholly HEALED?


Do you want to leave this invisible prison where it feels like you’re disconnected from living your life and the world? 

To do that, you need to summon your courage to find the keys and open the door.

Only then you’ll be able to reconnect with your deep buried feelings and past traumas. 


And only then, will you finally feel those profound transformative shifts.  

So you can finally create the life you wish for…and deserve. 


We’ll do all this within just 30 days, by finding the root cause of your inner pain and kickstarting your healing process.  

Are you ready to transform your life? To finally feel whole?

Here is how we find the root cause 


You might be wondering why my coaching program can do what other programs can’t. 

How are we able to access the deepest recesses of your mind? 

Contrary to the belief, talk therapy is NOT the best solution. The problem with talk therapy is that it doesn't go deep enough to access past memories for healing heavy burdens.

That’s why I’ve created an immersive coaching program where we dive into your subconscious mind - and even in your superconscious mind, if you like. 

Because we combine multiple of the most advanced coaching tools in a unique way to maximize the trauma healing through a deep innovative transformation, step-by-step.

What coaching methods will we be using - and what are their benefits? 

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
I use a variety of NLP models and tools to teach you how to see problems from new perspectives, so that you can find better solutions - now and in future.
Inner Child Work 
is a way to acknowledge and heal traumatic experiences from one's childhood. They influence our behaviors today. When we connect with our inner child, we can understand better what we really need.
Parts Works Therapy
is very deep, integrative work to achieve trauma resolution. We all have many conflicting “parts” or subpersonalities inside ourselves. A small example is: one part of me would like to go to the movies but another part would prefer to be a couch potato and watch TV. Feel familiar? I love Parts Works Therapy to resolve memories of parts that are stuck in a young age. Because that’s necessary to ease those emotional burdens.
uses a combination of hypnosis and breathwork. I find it super helpful to delve deeper into the subconscious mind or even beyond. It also can assist in pain management.
Regression therapy 
is advanced hypnotherapy. It’s one of my favorite tools, because it’s great for uncovering past events, memories, and trauma that can go back even to the womb and before. They might affect you negatively in the present, even if you are not aware of them. 
Mindfulness exercises
help you to focus on the present. I love using them for their positive impact on health and well-being. They help to increase the regulation of your emotions and decrease stress, anxiety and depression.
Guided meditations and imagery
involve consciously relaxing your body and mind. They often include beautiful healing light or the release of past negative emotional burdens or thoughts.

This profound immersion will help you heal your body, mind, soul, possibly even your personal or family history - and transform your life!

This program is for you if:

  • You’re ready and willing to go on a deep inner exploration journey
  • You’re looking for a real healing process
  • You’re ready to transform to a better version of yourself 
  • You want to heal fully from the inside out
  • You want to understand yourself better
  • You want to liberate yourself from old baggage

The program is NOT for you if:


  • You look for an easy quick fix
  • You aren’t open to a journey of deep self-discovery and healing 
  • You aren’t committed to working on yourself
  • You’re clinically diagnosed with mental illness 
  • You’re on psychopharmaceutical medicines


In 30 days we can find the root cause of your emptiness and inner pain.


Here’s how we get you from buried emotions and inner pain 

to healing yourself


I have designed this coaching program to help you find the root cause of your inner emptiness and pain - so you can access and release your past burdens.


This is the only way to truly rise above all your negative emotions and heal yourself to live a more peaceful and loving life. 


But it’s not just that - it’s also about giving you powerful new tools to manage future negative events in a more resilient way! 


Let’s talk about the fundamentals  (exactly what you get) 

The DEEP INNER TRANSFORMATION IN 30 DAYS coaching program includes:

Relaxation Response and Safe Place

First, we'll focus on your breathing and relaxation response. That’s the preparation you need for the deep inner work in the coming weeks.

By the end of week 1, you’ve learnt how to connect with the emotional and physical effects of what’s going on deep inside of you. You’ll be able to retreat to a safe place so that you can handle trauma that surfaces either from the past or in future. 

Limiting Beliefs and Inner Child Work

We identify your limiting beliefs and self-sabotage. We’ll take a look at their effects on your current life and their connection to your inner child. 

By the end of week 2, you’ve learnt the tools to change your limiting beliefs and stop self-sabotage. You’ll be able to connect with your wounded inner child as the first part of your healing journey.

Parts Work Therapy and Higher Self

We delve deep into your conflicting parts and reach out to your innermost part, your Higher Self. 

By the end of week 3, you've accessed and resolved troubling past events in your subconscious mind. You’ll connect with your Higher Self to help you find clarity, inner peace and healing.

Regression to the Womb and Finding your Life’s Purpose

Lastly, we return to the time in the womb or to your origins if you don’t believe in womb work. We’ll find out how that time is relevant to possible burdens and baggage in your present life and even from earlier times. If you want, we can go back to an earlier life, too. 

So by the end of week 4, we’ve completed this deep transformation that’ll help you to connect to your soul and identify your life purpose.

But that’s not all. Each week’s session is accompanied by customized support material to speed up your healing process. 

Guided meditations and imagery 
To get out your positive emotions and increase self-compassion. So that you’ll be able to accept and love yourself more as the foundation of your healing.
Customized self-hypnosis recordings
To calm your mind and deepen your inner healing. So you are more in control and relaxed in your daily life as you can go back to a safe and healing place whenever times get tough. 
Customized sleep meditation
To help you sleep quickly and quiet your mind (even if you suffer from insomnia). We often suffer from sleepless nights when we carry burdens or worries. A sound sleep is vital for a healthy mind and body. 
Customized worksheets for personal self-exploration 
Journaling to enhance your knowledge about your inner self. This helps you see the negative patterns in your behavior and life and correct them.
Email support
in-between the session for questions following our sessions or about the weekly support materials so that you never have to walk this path alone. This helps you to go all the way to the end of this personal transformation.

And you’ll get lifetime access for all course materials and recordings.

Bonus materials

I’ve included some bonuses that go beyond the course materials. Because I want to bring more positive emotions into your daily life as support whenever you need. 

Bonus #1

Mindfulness of Emotions Package

Mindfulness meditations and exercises PDF workbook to jumpstart you in a life with less stress and more relaxation. This helps to free your mind from worries, anxiety,                  and fear. 

Bonus #2

Free Guided Meditation Library

10 guided meditations audio recordings for gratitude, compassion and loving kindness to become more accepting and loving to yourself and others. This brings positive emotions and thoughts into your life.  


Each course sale also sponsors a donation.  

You can choose to sponsor either a girl’s education scholarship or gorilla adoption:

Girls’ Education Sponsorship

You’ll help to sponsor a girl under the Dr. Margit Gabriele Muller Scholarship under Grameen Shikkha Scholarship Management Program that I established back in 2010. It helps to provide poor girls in Bangladesh with high school and university education.


Sponsorship for a Gorilla Adoption

I love gorillas and it’s a cause very dear to my heart. Over the years, I have adopted several gorillas from the Dian Fossey Foundation. The Fossey Fund’s adoption program is unique as the gorillas are truly living in the wild and not in a sanctuary. With this donation, you support the symbolic adoption of a gorilla and help prevent them from extinction.

To summarize…

  • 4 weekly virtual sessions via Zoom ranging from 1.5 to 3 hours - we will go as long as we need to help you get your breakthrough
  • 4 weekly guided meditations and imagery for positive emotions and self-compassion 
  • 4 weekly customized self-hypnosis recordings to deepen your inner healing
  • 4 weekly customized sleep meditations
  • 4 weekly customized worksheets for personal self-exploration 
  • Email support 
  • Bonus materials
  • Sponsorship for a good cause
  • Lifetime access for all course materials and recordings

And here you are: The Transformed YOU!


In a happy life, where you don’t feel this emptiness, pain and burdens. Where you understand what happened to you! What was the consequence for your experience, your relationships, your family, your life!

Click here to fill the application form to start your transformative journey - because you deserve the best!

Yes, I Want To Start My Transformational Journey Now!